Health and safety of employees


We believe that ensuring the health and safety of every employee is an important management issue in order for employees to maximize their capabilities and to achieve sustainable growth of the Corporation. We have created a work environment in which employees can work safely and with peace of mind in both their physical and mental health, and we are actively and continuously working to maintain and promote the health of our employees.

Promotion of health and safety

The director in charge of risk management is responsible for implementing initiatives that enable employees to work safely in good physical and mental health.
Specifically, the Safety and Health Committee, which is chaired by the director in charge of risk management, regularly reports on employee health issues and working hours, and plans and deliberates on improvement measures. In addition, the Work Safety Subcommittee is organized to promote thorough safety and health activities with respect to the work safety and health management of employees.
In addition, the Health and Safety Committee conducts meetings at least once a month to check and analyze employee health and safety issues and to discuss improvement measures, while also conducting surveys on health maintenance and promotion measures, work environment surveys, and environmental improvements.
In discussions with employee representatives, we also exchange opinions and coordinate various measures based on the shared recognition that employee health and safety are important issues.

Main initiatives

We take the following measures to maintain and improve the health of our employees.

  1. We organize interviews with the supervisors and between the industrial physician and the employees whose overtime work exceeds the hours stipulated by law.
  2. Through the implementation of health checkups, stress checks, and industrial physician interviews for overworked employees, we strive to ascertain and improve the actual working conditions and physical and mental health conditions.
  3. We have established a consultation desk for direct consultation with the industrial physician regarding mental health.
  4. In addition to the regular health checkups for all employees, we also provide more comprehensive medical checkups for the employees aged 40 or above and gynecological examinations for female employees (regardless of age).
  5. We subsidize the cost of influenza immunization (no out-of-pocket expenses for health insurance policyholders).
    At our headquarters, we conduct collective influenza immunization internally.

Status of work-related accidents

Results for the Fiscal Year Ended September 2022

  • Employee accidents leading to deaths: There were no employee fatalities.
  • Employees injuries leading to absence from work: There was one accident (one or more days of absence or work-related injuries resulting in the loss of a body part or function). We conducted a factor investigation and implemented safety measures to eliminate dangerous operations and procedures.

Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)
for the previous fiscal year + preceding three fiscal years


Item FY ended Sep 2019 FY ended Sep 2020 FY ended Sep 2021 FY ended Sep 2022
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) 0% 0% 0% 0.93%

Note: Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) = Number of deaths and injuries due to work-related injuries (one or more days of absence from work due to injuries) / Total number of working hours × 1,000,000
  : The Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) is calculated for our permanent employees.

Breakdown of Occupational Accidents

Item Fiscal year ended September 2022
Number of sick and injured persons with work-related accident leave 1
Total number of days for work-related accident leave 5
Number of sick and injured persons with leave due to commuting accidents 0
Total number of days for leave due to commuting accidents 0
Fatal accidents 0

Safety and health training

We have prepared a manual for “Basics of Work Safety" at the Safety and Health Committee and the Work Safety Subcommittee, and we conduct annual education and training on safety and health for employees.
The number of employees who took part in the course over the past year was 615.

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