
Basic philosophy

On the understanding that the conservation of the global environment as the basis of human existence is the utmost priority across the world and that it is one of the most important concerns for the management, we promote environmental conservation activities with a view to the coordination between the socio-economic development and the global environment through sound business activities.

Environmental policy

  1. As a leading company of cutting-edge measurement technology, we promote technological innovation to reduce impacts on the environment through active development and distribution of measurement solutions that will contribute to SDGs.
  2. We endeavor to protect environment and prevent environmental pollution through continuous improvement of our environmental management system.
  3. We comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and our voluntary management standards.

Environmental Management System

Based on our Environmental Policy, we have been building an environmental management system in compliance with ISO 14001※1 since 2005. We are working to continuously improve our environmental management in order to fulfill our social responsibilities - preservation of the global environment - while providing products and services that are friendly to the global environment.
In addition to complying with laws and regulations related to products and services, we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and environment by reducing the environmental impact of our products throughout their lifecycle.
As a result of an investigation in the fiscal year ended September 2022, there were no significant violations of environmental laws and regulations (fines/sanctions).

※1 The scope of our ISO 14001 certification covers all our business sites, including the Head Office, Osaka Branch, Nagoya Branch, Utsunomiya Sales Office, and Kasai Service Center.

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