
5.一般事項(HYPACK® Max General)


Q. Surveyプログラムの新しいインターフェイス(Dockable Toolbar in Survey)[英語]


Survey program has new graphical user interface. When you start the latest Survey the toolbox is going to be attached to the menu bar.

We hope he meaning of each button is self-explanatory. In case you can not guess, hold your cursor on the button and a tool tip will define the function.  (The function of each is described here in the legend to the left). The toolbox can be placed anywhere on your screen (even outside of Survey window). You just have to point your mouse to the edge of the toolbox and drag it to desired position. If you place the toolbox close to Survey window edge, it will attached. The toolbox window can be closed and/or resized.
There is a menu item Windows/Toolbox that closes/restores the toolbox.


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